The Attitude Era of WWE is still considered one of the best time period in professional wrestling history. It is also remembered to be the most famous time period in the WWE history. It has produced some of the biggest Legend in the world of wrestling like Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock.

Another big attraction of the time was DX. It was a one of the most entertaining factions of the time, top stars like Triple H and Shawn Michaels were the members of it. The Monday Night Wars of the time was really hot as WCW was also doing an excellent job, and these two promotions were the biggest rivals of each other.

Shawn Michaels Triple H DX

WWE Hall of Famer Remembers Classic DX Moment of Invading WCW

Both sides always up to present themselves as the better side and they used to feature many segments just in search of supremacy. One of such segment was DX invading WCW which still remains one of the most fun segments from the time. During a recent WWE Retrospective video, former member of the mentioned faction X-Pac remembered the impact of the segment;

DX was one of the major factions of WWE during the Attitude Era

“In my mind, I’m like, ‘Why aren’t we going to the tunnel first? If we don’t go there first, they’re going to know we’re here and they’re going to shut the door,’ and that’s what they did. Probably for the better. My whole idea was, ‘We have to get in the building.’ It’s still their team.

DX Triple H Shawn Michaels

Triple H and Shawn Michales were the two major members of DX

"I can imagine there being some sense of sticking up for your team and not being incredibly happy of being made to look like that. War is hell. I was so excited. WCW is the only other buyer in the wrestling market. It would be burning a bridge. At least that’s what the concern was. None of us cared. We were so excited to do this thing. We couldn’t wait to do it.”

D Generation X reunited once again in 2006 and the build up for this storyline had been really excellent. It mostly worked as a tag team rather than a faction during their second run as only Shawn Michaels and Triple H were active. To this date, D Generation X still remains one of the best factions in professional wrestling history.

H/T - eWrestlingNews