Salman Khan’s upcoming movie, Sikandar which is set to be screened on the eve of Eid, 2025 has recently launched the teaser and displayed the vibrance of enigma, as it breaks the records of Pushpa 2 and Dunki within 24 hours.
Salman Khan’s Sikandar Breaks The Records of Pushpa 2 And Dunki;
Salman, the branding of the high voltage entertainment in Bollywood, set to featured in his upcoming movie,’Sikandar,’ a production by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by A.R Murgaddose.
Salman’s Sikandar Will Be The Blockbuster Ribbon in 2025;
On 27th December, 2024 ( Salman’s birthday) the teaser has launched and within the next 24 hours the teaser breaks all the records of Pushpa 2 and Dunki, as it’s crossed 50M views worldwide.
Salman Khan: A Box of Invigorating Promises
Bhai Jaan’s hotcakes are selling at a very faster pace with the over satisfactory feedback among the fans but Sikandar is going to be a historic and enigmatic in the upcoming 2025, according to the reports.
Salman is starring as the lead cast in Sikandar as the electrifying, galvanized action superstar, throttle the stage with the exhilarating performance again as his audience deserves to be.
Salman’s Sikandar, Can Be A Speed- breaker for Pushpa 2?
Indian film Industry has been embroidered the world with the smoke chain of Pushpa 2, and the crowd is waiting for this Bhaijaan stake. Sikandar is set to be premiered in Eid, star casting Khan to a new era of audience who are paraphrased to the Salman’s Paramountcy every year.
Fans are eagerly waiting and now they got flabbergasted by watching the teaser, Salman is in black scout, with the trimmed beard and handsome exposure, the saviour weapon in his hand make him the Nemesis and his bracelet, accelerate the contrast of the display.
Bollywood is now a side pillow as the Tollywood captures the warmth bed of entertainment, in that dilemma Salman Khan’s featured definitely a ray of hope for all.